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Spain Case Study

Similarly to Germany, we anticipate that credit products for SMEs are going to be huge in the Spanish market, but also for individuals.

  • Simplified infrastructure:

    Previously, Spain presented fewer opportunities for payments players given its relatively bureaucratic systems and standard debit-led card portfolios. Yet, in February 2018, Spain’s three major payment systems merged into a single infrastructure provider, SistemaPay. 

  • Modernisation:

    As well as rationalising the previously complex infrastructure, Spain’s regulators have been actively engaging with the possibilities presented by PSD2 and its Open Banking mandate, including licensing Account Information Service Providers (AISPs) and Payment Information Service Providers (PISPs).

  • Development of credit market:

    With such changes taking place, much like Germany, it is realistic to expect the credit market to flourish via the digital channel, something that’s good news for both payments companies and the Spanish economy.

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